Hebrew Free Loan

Dear Applicant:

Please carefully review the Hebrew Free Loan (HFL) Loan Application Information and Requirements before completing the application.  Hebrew Free Loan understands that all information it requests and receives is strictly confidential.  We require that the applicant be a resident of Nevada for at least (1) year prior to the application date. The applicant must also be Jewish.  The co-signer must have United States Citizenship or be a Permanent resident.

The Hebrew Free Loan Program is a program of Jewish Nevada done in partnership with Jewish Family Services Agency.  HFL provides interest-free loans of up to $7,500 to Jewish residents of Nevada to help fund significant expenses that borrowers cannot meet with their own resources or to help bridge a period of unexpected income loss.

Loans of $5,000 or less are repayable in monthly installments for a maximum repayment term of 25 months.  Loans of more than $5,000 are repayable in monthly installments.  All monthly repayments begin one month after the loan is received and are made by electronic debit of a checking account.

The required forms must be filled out completely and received by HFL prior to the processing of any and all requests for financial assistance.  Guarantors (co-signers) must be lined up in order for an application to be considered.  Once we receive the completed application forms, it will take approximately 1-2 months to process the loan and to determine if we can grant the requested loan.  The process may include:  checking the credit standing of the applicant and guarantor; verifying the applicant's employment and salary; having a valid local checking account for loan repayment; and interview with the applicant and JFSA staff, committee member interview, and speaking with the prospective guarantor to confirm their understanding of their obligations in being a co-signer to a loan provided by Hebrew Free Loan, a program of Jewish Nevada (Nevada's Jewish Federation).  Once we meet as a committee and if we approved your loan and guarantor (co-signer), we will then send out the promissory note for both the borrower and co-signer' signatures.  Upon final approval by the Loan Committee, the Hebrew Free Loan will be disbursed.  Our required form of repayment is through monthly ACH.

Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 702-732-0556.


Hebrew Free Loan Administration

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